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Invisalign® is the clear way to straighten teeth without braces, using aligners. These aligners are removable and virtually invisible, which means you can straighten your teeth without anyone knowing.

You want straight teeth, you want them fast, and you want the transformation to occur as discreetly as possible.

These factors describe the Invisalign aligners, the orthodontic alternative to traditional braces. 

How Does Invisalign® Work?

Aligners are worn for around two weeks. You can remove the aligners to eat, drink and for brushing and flossing your teeth at all other times of day and night they should be worn. As you substitute each aligner for the next one in the treatment your teeth will gradually move, until they have moved to the ultimate alignment that your dentist and you agreed upon at the start of treatment, using the ClinCheck video.

Here is how the process works:

  • Consultation: The first step is to review your oral health, the type of gaps, crowding, or bite problems you have, and determine if this treatment will be your best choice.

  • Preparation: Scan your mouth and shifts your teeth on the screen to look at your jaw from various angles. A customized treatment plan is developed from start to finish.

  • Wear time: Every Invisalign patient’s treatment is unique, but some rules are standard across the board when it comes to how and when to wear the trays:

    • Daily: Wear the aligners 20 to 22 hours a day and remove them only for meals and cleanings.​

    • Every two weeks: Trays are switched out per your dentist’s instructions so certain teeth can be moved at certain times until all are in alignment.

    • Six to eight weeks: Visit your Invisalign provider for a check-up to ensure the invisible braces are working properly and to collect your next set of trays.

    • One year: The average Invisalign plan takes one year to complete. Some patients will wear their aligners for less time and others will need more time. It depends on how much your teeth must move and how well you adhere to the rules.

  • Post-Invisalign: Once treatment is complete, you will wear a retainer to make sure your teeth stay in their new positions.​

How Are Aligners Made?

This is the interesting part! Each set of aligners is custom-made using sophisticated and highly specialised 3D computer imaging software and printers.

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